Once the B2B module is installed, its features still have to be enabled. Go to Commerce 365 > Administration > Setup. This opens the standard setup card. With the B2B module installed, a new button appears in the top menu, B2B Setup.

On the page that opens you can see whether you are running the latest available version, and there is an Initialize button. If you click that button you can choose to initialize one of the two features, or both. Initialization means that the features will be activated and that some default settings will be applied, and all related data will be synchronized with your Magento store. You can always change these settings, or deactivate the features later. 

Sales Documents

For each type of Sales Document these are 3 settings. 

Synchronize - This simply means whether this type of documents will be made available for Magento or not. 

History - How many days/months/years of history will be made available to the customers. 

Report ID - The Report ID that will be used to render the PDF document for each type. By default we load all your default reports, but you could also select a different report. 


In this section you can enable B2B Pricing. It does not matter whether you use the classic or new pricing experience. Just enable this feature, and the system will automatically detect what to use.


Open the Magento Backend, go to Stores > Configuration > Commerce 365 > General and enable B2B pricing for one or more stores and check the configuration. Base URL, AppID and Secret all have to be filled in correctly. Make sure that you are not accidentally using your live AppID and Secret in your test environment or vise-versa. 

You can check your URL and credentials by clicking the Run Connection Test button.