Customers might have various addresses to which they want to receive their invoice on or have their orders shipped to. Therefore you want to manage those addresses from Business Central, this can be done on the Magento Customer card.
Managing Customer Addresses
After creating a Magento account all existing Business Central addresses are added to the NC365 Address table. This includes the address on the customer card and all ship-to addresses. Adding a new address later on will trigger the same action.
You see that all 3 addresses known are showing up in this table and are set as released. The checkbox synchronised will get marked if the customer record is synchronised to Magento.
The image above shows that the billing address on the customer card is now set as the default billing- and default shipping address. When you want to change this click "Manage > Edit" and enable the new address as billing- and/or shipping address. You will see the checkboxes in the list view change immediately.
Updating the address on the customer card will lead to the update of the initial default billing- & shipping address (ADDR0000013).
Changing this address won't have any effect on the "Default Billing" and "Default Shipping" settings as shown below.
In order for the address to synchronise to Magento properly, the following fields are mandatory.
First Name | First name of the contact. |
Last Name | Last name of the contact. |
Address | This is the street name + the house number of the address. |
Post Code | This is the postal code of the address and should contain the right format. |
City | The city of where the address is located. |
If an address does not contain at least the mandatory information, then the address can't be released and therefore not synchronised to Magento.
Managing Contact Addresses
Working with contacts will provide the possibility to work with multiple logins per customer. A Business Central contact is able to have other shipping addresses then it's parent account, the customer. Therefore addresses on a contact level can be managed separately.
In this article we will use an existing contact, more information on creating contacts is available in a separate article.
Navigate to the Magento customer card and click the contact number to open the Magento contact card.
After opening the Magento contact card there is an identical address section in the menu, this list contains all contact addresses.
This list shows two separate addresses, the address which is marked as "Default Billing" is automatically created based on the address on the Business Central customer card (ADDR0000015). While the "Default Shipping" address is automatically created based on the address on the Business Central contact card (ADDR0000014).
Changing the address on the Business Central customer card will lead to an update of the default billing address while changing the address on the Business Central contact card will lead to an update of the default shipping address.
Addresses Created in Magento
In Magento customers have the possibility to create new addresses themselves. These addresses will only exist in Magento and will not be deleted or updated in Magento and they will also not be imported.
When a customer sets one of these custom addresses as a default billing or -shipping address, changing the default billing or -shipping settings in Business Central will not cause changes in Magento