IntegrationEvent: OnAfterReleaseWebCustomer

OnAfterReleaseWebCustomer(var NC365Customer: Record "NC365 Customer")

This event is raised directly after a Magento customer record (NC365 Customer, table 11260678) is marked as released.Setting the released field to true means that from that point on the account will be created in Magento,and any change will be synchronized with the customer account record in Magento.


  • NC365Customer - The web customer record that is created

IntegrationEvent: OnBeforeSyncShipToAddress

OnBeforeSyncShipToAddress(ShipToAddress: Record "Ship-to Address"; var MageAddress: JsonObject; var SkipSynchronization: Boolean)

This event is raised just before adding a ship-to address to the set of shipping address that will be sent to Magento.


  • ShipToAddress
  • MageAddress
  • SkipSynchronization - Set this to true to omit this address

IntegrationEvent: OnBeforeSyncAddress

OnBeforeSyncAddress(Customer: Record "Customer"; var MageAddress: JsonObject; var SkipSynchronization: Boolean)

This event is raised just before adding the customer standard address to the set of shipping address that will be sent to Magento.


  • ShipToAddress
  • MageAddress
  • SkipSynchronization - Set this to true to omit this address