
CreateHeader(DocumentNo: Code[20]; StagingOrderNo: Code[20]): Record "NC365 Shipment Header"

Creates an NC365 Shipment Header for a custom implementation.


  • DocumentNo - The no. of the source document (e.g., the sales shipment no.)
  • StagingOrderNo - The staging order no

Returns: The created NC365 Shipment Header


CreateHeader(DocumentNo: Code[20]; StagingOrderNo: Code[20]; MagentoBillingAddressID: Integer; MagentoShippingAddressID: Integer; MagentoCustomerID: Integer; MagentoStoreID: Integer; MagentoOrderID: Integer): Record "NC365 Shipment Header"

Creates an NC365 Shipment Header for a custom implementation.


  • DocumentNo - The no. of the source document (e.g., the sales shipment no.)
  • StagingOrderNo - The staging order no
  • MagentoBillingAddressID - The Magento billing address ID
  • MagentoShippingAddressID - The Magento shipping address ID
  • MagentoCustomerID - The Magento customer ID
  • MagentoStoreID - The Magento store ID
  • MagentoOrderID - The Magento order ID

Returns: The created NC365 Shipment Header


Complete(var NC365ShipmentHeader: Record "NC365 Shipment Header"): Boolean

Use this function to mark a shipment as completed.


  • NC365ShipmentHeader - The NC365 Shipment Header

Returns: nothing


CreateLine(NC365ShipmentHeader: Record "NC365 Shipment Header"; LineNo: Integer; StagingOrderNo: Code[20]; StagingOrderLineNo: Integer): Record "NC365 Shipment Line"

Creates an NC365 Shipment Line for a custom implementation.


  • NC365ShipmentHeader - The NC365 Shipment Header
  • LineNo - The line no
  • StagingOrderNo - The staging order no
  • StagingOrderLineNo - The staging order no.The staging order line no

Returns: The created NC365 Shipment Line


CreateLine(NC365ShipmentHeader: Record "NC365 Shipment Header"; LineNo: Integer; SourceDocumentType: Enum "Sales Document Type"; SourceDocumentNo: Code[20]; SourceDocumentLineNo: Integer; Quantity: Decimal; Weight: Decimal; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; Description: Text[100]; MagentoOrderItemID: Integer; MagentoProductID: Integer; UnitPrice: Decimal): Record "NC365 Shipment Line"

Creates an NC365 Shipment Line for a custom implementation.


  • NC365ShipmentHeader - The NC365 Shipment Header
  • LineNo - The line no
  • SourceDocumentType - The source document type
  • SourceDocumentNo - The source document no
  • SourceDocumentLineNo - The source document line no
  • Quantity - The quantity
  • Weight - The weight
  • ItemNo - The item no
  • VariantCode - The variant code
  • Description - The description
  • MagentoOrderItemID - The Magento order item ID
  • MagentoProductID - The Magento product ID
  • UnitPrice - The unit price

Returns: The created NC365 Shipment Line